Today marks the 75TH birthday of our beloved NHS and where better to celebrate it than right here in Trafford.

Marking the occasion is health chief, Cllr Jane Slater, Executive Member for Health and Care, who lavished praise on one of the country’s ‘finest institutions.’

Cllr Slater, who represents Stretford and Humphrey Park, said: “The NHS is the beating heart of this country – and for that reason alone it deserves our unwavering support.

“Every NHS patient is treated fairly and given the same help and support, it is quite remarkable that one of our finest institutions has been a force for good for so many years – and long may it continue.

“I am so proud of our health service; it is an exemplar institution that other countries took to with envy.

“The dedicated professionalism, love and care of staff is a testimony to its core values.”

The landmark anniversary has been greeted with praise and admiration from all corners of the UK; as the nation thanks frontline workers who have selflessly dedicated their lives and professional careers to help save and protect others.

It is a legacy we should all should be proud of following the launch of the service more than seven decades ago when the then Labour Health Secretary, Aneurin Bevan, transformed the British healthcare landscape by offering free medical treatment to all.

Mr Bevan opened Park Hospital – now known as Trafford General – in 1948 promising a new service that everyone could access for free; rich or poor, eager residents queued in the streets for treatment.

Speaking at the time he said: “No society can legitimately call itself civilized if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.”

While the NHS has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years, there continues to be much to be proud of and celebrated.

Cllr Slater added: “The cruel reality is that the NHS is not without its problems, but we must find new and innovative ways to adequately fund and protect it.

“We know the rich history of the NHS is one of change and innovation – and we must strive to meet the needs of today’s patients while we adapt to the needs of future generations.

“Mr Bevan also said that the NHS will last for as long as there are people prepared to fight for it – and here in Trafford is what we will continue to do.”