Trafford Labour politicians have approved a revised master plan in a bid to tackle the borough’s ongoing and chronic housing crisis.

The refreshed five-year strategy has been developed to address the current market challenges that prevent people from having access to good quality, appropriate and sustainable housing.

Members of the council’s Executive Committee approved the report on Monday.

Speaking to the paper, Cllr James Wright, Executive Member for Housing and Advice, said the priorities that underline the strategy must meet current and future housing needs.

“However, the master plan is not just about building new homes, it’s also about making improvements to properties while meeting standards across all tenancy types,” he added.

“The vision also includes retrofitting properties making them more energy efficient – and this can be achieved by working with both central government and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA).”

The council’s priorities include:

  • Increase the supply of housing in Trafford and build more affordable homes.
  • Ensure all residents can obtain and sustain suitable housing.
  • Ensure homes meet current and future needs.
  • Address inequalities by creating neighbourhoods that promote inclusion, health and wellbeing.

The aims have been developed through extensive research and consultation resulting in the council gaining a fast understanding of the borough’s complex housing market.

Ultimately, the ambition is to ensure residents have access to suitable, affordable, futureproof homes, with sound infrastructure that allows neighbourhoods to thrive.

Cllr Wright continued: “For this Labour administration, housing has and will continue to be a priority.  “We have already made significant achievements, however, the affordability of homes in Trafford of all tenancy types, is still out of reach for many people.

“Currently, demand significantly outstrips supply in the social and private rented sector, and for those trying to buy their own home.

“This strategy goes some way to tackling those issues but by working with our GM neighbours – through ambitious plans such as Places for Everyone – and central government, housing growth and sustainability in Trafford is absolutely achievable.”